Thursday, May 24, 2012

Public Service Announcement

Students will complete a research project (Public Service Announcement) about a topic of their choice in regards to personal safety and the effects of motion and forces on the body. 
Students will present their research project to their classmates and perhaps to younger grades. 

LEsson Context 
What real-world contexts are included in the lesson? If not included, please explain why real-world contexts are not appropriate for this lesson.
****Students will investigate forces and motion in the classroom (MAINLY INERTIA, MOMENTUM, FRICTION), as well as real-world applications such as (airbags and safety belts and helmets).  

****Students will investigate the invention of seat belts, helmets, and air bags and the effects of these safety features on society.  We will also look at the evolution of the technology behind these safety features and future advancements.  

THE ASSIGNMENT: Synthesis/Closure

Making a REAL LIFE CONNECTION to forces and motion which will impact their own health and safety, students will research the effects of forces on the human body in ONE chosen situation (see below).  

This will be a final project which will be in the form of a Public Service Announcement on a POSTER to place in the Lower School as SUMMER SAFETY AWARENESS. 

Students will choose a topic they are interested in regarding the effects of forces on the human body and safety features that are needed to keep people safe.  For example, some topics may be:  race car driver safety equipment (helmet and construction of the car), skateboarding safety equipment (helmet, knew pads), roller coaster safety features (harnesses), seatbelts, animal safety in cars, car seats for babies, biking/motorcycle safety equipment (helmets), airbag systems in cars, and others that students may think of).  

Students will research the effectiveness of the systems, and how they work to keep people safe, what materials they are made from, the evolution of the product (how it has changed), if they have been recalled (because they have flaws from the factory), future enhancements as well as what  they are used for.  
Then, once students complete their research they will create a Public Service Announcement in order to make people aware of how they can stay safe and have fun at the same time.

Students will present their topics to the class through their Public Service Announcement (time limit: 5 minutes). 

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