Thursday, November 4, 2010

Magical Mixture! Is it solid or is it a liquid?

Hello Grade 6 material scientists!


Today we investigated an interesting mixture of corn starch and water that we found could do amazing things.

Tonight's homework is:
In a new post on your blog, embed the video from our class blog (Or you can find your own) by copying and pasting the link in or the embed code from YouTube, of the material we worked with today.

Under the video, describe what properties this new material had when you used your hands to investigate it, or the plastic spoon or cups.

What happened when you held it, let it drip, squeezed it, punched it, poked it, scooped it?

What happened when there was too much water? When there wasn't enough water?

Did the substance change after time?

How did your hands react to this mixture?

What further inquiry (questions or tests) could you do? What tests could you run next time or which ones did you run today that would provide evidence to your conclusion of whether it is solid or liquid material?

What materials could you use at home to test the differences between white powders?

Why is corn starch so special when it is only mixed with water?

Is this new material a liquid or a solid? What are the properties of each and how can you determine them?

What are your final thoughts of today's experiment and investigation?

Here's a link that explains this liquid/solid in a Dr. Seuss source...Have you ever heard of Oobleck?!
Other fun science mixtures to make!!!  Visit this website.  :)